Friday, 31 January 2014

Production Company

We decided to call our production company 'Indistinctive' -
without a distinctive characteristic- not clear or sharply defined.

We went on to choose different fonts which would be suitable for our production company, these are some which we tested out:

We eventually chose the font 'ERTHQAKE' because it has a horror-like characteristic and represents our opening sequence well. 
this is a pre-view of our font and production company name:

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Title and Fonts

For our opening sequence we have chosen the title 'Satan's Swindle'
We have chosen this because it fits well with our genre, linking it to devils and demons. The definition of 'Swindle' connects the title to our whole plot. -

verb (used with object), swin·dled, swin·dling.
to cheat (a person, business, etc.) out of money or other assets.
to obtain by fraud or deceit.
verb (used without object), swin·dled, swin·dling.
to put forward plausible schemes or use unscrupulous trickery to defraud others; cheat.
an act of swindling or a fraudulent transaction or scheme.
anything deceptive; a fraud: This advertisement is a real swindle.


We selected different fonts from and have chosen the most appropriate for our film. -monomadness



Sunday, 19 January 2014


Is the term providing psychological relief for the audience through  the expression of strong emotion when they see something on screen (e.g. the villain is caught.)
The word comes from a Greek word Katharsis meaning 'purification' or 'cleansing' and is a sudden emotional breakdown or climax that constitutes overwhelming feelings of great pity, sorrow, laughter, or any extreme change in emotion that results in renewal, restoration and revitalization.
This is used a lot within Horror films, most of the time giving the audience a false scare.

Audience Theory


The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. the mass media in the 1940's and 1950's were perceived as a powerful influence on behaviour change.

several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of communication, including:
-The fast raise and popularization of radio and television
-The emerge of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda
-The Payne Fund studies of the 1930's, which focuses on the impact of motion pictures on children.

The Theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response.

Originated in the 1970's as a reaction to traditional mass communication research emphasizing the sender and the message. Stressing the active audience and user instead. Psychological orientation taking needs, motives and gratifications of media users as the main point of departure.
Uses and Gratifications theory attempts to explain the uses and functions of the media for individuals, groups, and society in general. There are three objectives in developing uses and gratifications theory:
  1. To explain how individuals use mass communication to gratify their needs. "What do people do with the media?"
  2. To discover underlying motives for individuals' media use.
  3. To identify the positive and the negative consequences of individual media use. At the core of uses and gratifications theory lies the assumption that audience members actively seek out the mass media to satisfy individual needs.


Monday, 13 January 2014

Preliminary Task


One of our tasks was our preliminary exercise. In this we had to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in an opposite chair from another character. Also the character had to exchange a few lines of dialogue.

In this task we demonstrated:

Match on action
this means that when something is happening in the scene and there is a cut, when the camera is back on the same action must be taking place, (opening and closing a door) this is a good example of continuity editing.

Shot/reverse shot
This is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character and the other character looks back, seems as they are facing different ways, the audience perceives them to be looking at each other.- in our preliminary task this is shown in the conversation over the table.

180-degree rule
This rule states that the camera must keep to one side of the characters, the imaginary line is drawn perpendicular to the cameras view point. - in ours we had a conversation over a table which clearly shows this rule.

I have found a good example of this in a video: