Monday, 14 April 2014
Friday, 4 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
We have used a dust sheet as a costume for the demon, we used some fake blood to make it seem more realistic. We used a lot of pale make up and dark eye shadow for under the eyes of the demon, we also back combed her hair to add to the demon, death-like effect.
For Adalyn we used regular teen clothing through-out the opening sequence.
The lighting in the shots were low-key whilst the demon appeared on-screen. in some shots where Adalyn was involved we used an effect to make her look pale and frightened.All through the Bedroon scene we used an effect called 'Film Grain' which gave a dark, faded look.
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Friday, 28 March 2014
Different Types of Camera Shots
At the beginning of our opening sequence we used a MONTAGE of dark, stereotypical horror locations and settings to lure the audience into our film.
We have used OVER-THE-SHOULDER/ SHOT REVERSE SHOT to represent a conversation between characters. we tried to make sure that the main characters were centre framed most of the time.
These MID-SHOTS were used so that the audience could be introduced to our characters.
the shot below was origionally a LONG-SHOT but due to camera difficulties we had to change it.
We have have tried to use a lot of CLOSE-UPS AND EXTREME-CLOSE-UPS in our opening sequence because this way you can see the emotion on the characters face. we have mostly used them on our main character Adalyn, this way the audience will immediately fixate on her.
Here we have used a HIGH-ANGLE SHOT looking slightly down on Adalyn from the demons point of view. This type of shot is used commonly to show that the character in the shot is weaker and has no power in that situation; here it shows that Adalyn is weaker than the power of the demon.
We have used many REACTION-SHOTS which are incredibly important in horror films.
they are used to tell the audience what to think, if the main character is scared/frightened they will be too. the top reaction is Doctor Bensons reaction to Adalyn staring just behind him.
the reaction below that is what Adalyn's reaction is to what is behind Doctor Benson.
This is as close as we got to creating a LONG-SHOT and at the same time an OVER-THE-SHOULDER SHOT.
This shot we have tried to re-create from the horror film 'Insidious'. the demon being so close and un-noticed builds tension and suspense for the audience because they don't know what will happen next. the demon in our film is there to torment Adalyn.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Monday, 10 March 2014
Sound Effects
We use a scary sound effect when Adalyn can see the
demon behind Doctor Benson. The scary effect reflects how
Adalyn is feeling in this moment. The sound effect will be placed
over her reaction shot, of a terrified pale face.
All the way through our opening sequence we use sounds
which are used to create suspense and build tension in our audience.
The opening sequence is a build up for the rest of the film,
so we have to engage our audience, and make them want
to carry on watching. Each time our main character,
Adalyn, see's the demon, so does the audience and each
time we accompany the shot with a suspense filled sound effect, which
keeps the audience hooked.
The audience will hear a lot of whispers every time Adalyn looks
off camera, as she notices the demon in the corner of her eye.
The quiet voices are used to represent the demon talking to her.
it adds confusion to the audience because they cannot hear
what is being said, or what Adalyn is being told to do.
At the beginning of our opening sequence we use a voice over, which
is talking through an exorcism, which is disturbing for the audience and
quite frightening. it matches our genre of demonic possession well.
The exorcism is placed over a montage of spooky images
which also link to the genre.
The audience hear a burst of panic and screaming after the slam
of the door, giving the impression the have been locked in a room,
with the demon who will cause chaos. Screaming is classic in horror films
and is almost always used. it makes the audience feel un-easy and
helps them to connect with the characters.
A real heart beat links with suspense and rising tension. it is classically used in the most frightening scenes in horror films, and it can represent not only the feeling of the characters but also what the audience feels at that moment. We will used the sound of a heart beating at the end of our opening sequence along-side heavy breathing and a worried reaction shot.
Wednesday, 26 February 2014
Social Networking
We have created a Tumblr for our target audience (15-24). This age group are most likely to use social networking such as Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. We have decided to make our own Tumblr account for 'INDISTINCTIVE PRODUCTIONS' and keep our audience informed about our company, and our horror film in which we will create the opening sequence to.
Opening sequences
These are the opening sequences to some other horror films that I like to get some inspiration on how to set out our own:
The sequence from 'Nightmare On Elm Street' contrasts innocent children's play with hard tools and the dark eerie background. this sets up a disturbing and worrying story for the viewer.
Our horror film is a similar genre to 'The Exorcist' and this opening sequence has given us a lot of ideas on how the set out our own. the quick non-diegetic music gives an urgent feel, as if a hospital scene, medical help may be required, we see little dialogue, just very short sentences, not to give away too much to the audience too soon. This Opening sequence focuses on introducing the different actors involved.
JAWS (1975)
'Jaws' is classically used as a horror, and the suspense noise whenever the shark approaches has become famously used in horror films, in different tones, but this is the most obvious that something bad will happen. this opening sequence uses the 'sacrificial lamb' technique where a young woman is killed as the beginning of the plot which starts off the whole narrative.
Opening Sequence Analysis
The eyes stand out and position YOU as the audience. Her eyes are large, frightened and emotive, this instantly adds to the idea of enigma codes, the audience might ask 'Why is she so shocked?' 'what is making her so frightened?' which would encourage people to watch the film. The vividness of the blue colour in her eyes contrast with the black and white effect of the main image, making her eyes the main focal point- they draw you in as an audience and almost force you to look at them as they are straight-on.
The title suggests to the audience that there will be lots of frightening moments within the film hence the play on words in the title 'scream' is a very literal term. It connects with the main image of the poster because her shocked face and hand covering her mouth as if she is about to scream.
this connotes fear and shock and helps to create suspense to the audience. because of the extreme close-up we cannot tell if it is her own hand or whether it is someone else's hand who has crept up on her, this creates and un-easy sense of security. the hand has no gender as such to link to, it has short cut nails and they are not coloured- which plays along with the idea of someone else's hand.
The title is in block capitals and in a simple font making it stand out, clear and easy to read. The bold white font contrasts the gloomy dark background which emphasizes the genre.
The first 5 minutes of SCREAM is shown in this clip, I have analysed the first 10 minutes, so some of the shots towards the end of my analysis aren't shown.
The Tagline for this film is:
This gives and insight to the audience as to what will be in the film, it indicates that there will be a murder. By using an emotive word like 'love' it enables the audience to relate possibly their own personal feelings towards this word.
saying that the 'mystery is going to be murder' it connotes violence and death will be involved, it could also mean that it is going to be incredibly hard to solve the mystery which includes a murder.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Friday, 31 January 2014
Production Company
We decided to call our production company 'Indistinctive' -
without a distinctive characteristic- not clear or sharply defined.
We went on to choose different fonts which would be suitable for our production company, these are some which we tested out:
without a distinctive characteristic- not clear or sharply defined.
We went on to choose different fonts which would be suitable for our production company, these are some which we tested out:
We eventually chose the font 'ERTHQAKE' because it has a horror-like characteristic and represents our opening sequence well.
this is a pre-view of our font and production company name:
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Monday, 27 January 2014
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Title and Fonts
For our opening sequence we have chosen the title 'Satan's Swindle'
We have chosen this because it fits well with our genre, linking it to devils and demons. The definition of 'Swindle' connects the title to our whole plot. -
verb (used with object), swin·dled, swin·dling.
to cheat (a person, business, etc.) out of money or other assets.
to obtain by fraud or deceit.
verb (used without object), swin·dled, swin·dling.
to put forward plausible schemes or use unscrupulous trickery to defraud others; cheat.
an act of swindling or a fraudulent transaction or scheme.
anything deceptive; a fraud: This advertisement is a real swindle.
We selected different fonts from and have chosen the most appropriate for our film. -monomadness
Sunday, 19 January 2014
Is the term providing psychological relief for the audience through the expression of strong emotion when they see something on screen (e.g. the villain is caught.)
The word comes from a Greek word Katharsis meaning 'purification' or 'cleansing' and is a sudden emotional breakdown or climax that constitutes overwhelming feelings of great pity, sorrow, laughter, or any extreme change in emotion that results in renewal, restoration and revitalization.
This is used a lot within Horror films, most of the time giving the audience a false scare.
Audience Theory
The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences. the mass media in the 1940's and 1950's were perceived as a powerful influence on behaviour change.
several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of communication, including:
-The fast raise and popularization of radio and television
-The emerge of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda
-The Payne Fund studies of the 1930's, which focuses on the impact of motion pictures on children.
The Theory suggests that the mass media could influence a very large group of people directly and uniformly by 'shooting' or 'injecting' them with appropriate messages designed to trigger a desired response.
Originated in the 1970's as a reaction to traditional mass communication research emphasizing the sender and the message. Stressing the active audience and user instead. Psychological orientation taking needs, motives and gratifications of media users as the main point of departure.
Uses and Gratifications theory attempts to explain the uses and functions of the media for individuals, groups, and society in general. There are three objectives in developing uses and gratifications theory:
- To explain how individuals use mass communication to gratify their needs. "What do people do with the media?"
- To discover underlying motives for individuals' media use.
- To identify the positive and the negative consequences of individual media use. At the core of uses and gratifications theory lies the assumption that audience members actively seek out the mass media to satisfy individual needs.
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